Step 1: Registration Form
Let's get to know you!
Service Description
Kindly scroll down to read the full instructions to aid you in completing the scheduling process. Copy the below Link to your browser: Requirements: Completion of the above Pre-Deliverance Questionnaire is mandatory for those undertaking deliverance with VisionaryforChrist (VfC) for the first time. Use a Google e-mail address to register because the Registration Form only accepts Google e-mail addresses (i.e. Gmail) . You will be required to use this same e-mail address to schedule an upcoming deliverance session (Step 2). It takes just a few minutes to create a Google account. Note: This results of the Questionnaire will help me to understand your background, and what you hope to get out of the session. In Step 2 , I will be taking you through in-depth deliverance. Feel free to bring an interpreter to the session if you don't speak English. VfC's Calendar will be shared with you upon successful completion of the above registration form. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours of submitting the form, kindly read the contact section below to send a message to VfC. See you soon! HOW TO CONTACT US: Kindly use the contact form on the 'Home' or 'About' page of our website, for future correspondence or e-mail